Saturday, July 2, 2011

ice breakers

I always dreaded the mandatory introductions and "about me"activities on the first day of school or summer camp, and to this day I still find them loathsome but I guess they serve a purpose.

On that note, Welcome to my blog!  I have been talking about creating a food-focused blog for well over a year now and I am finally taking action.  I promise to try my best to keep my followers educated and entertained, as well as provide tasty recipes and maybe some handy tips.  The beginning might be a little rough, some posts are bound to ramble on longer than others, and most of the preliminary photos will be from my cell phone until I can afford to purchase a moderately fancy camera.

I would like to issue a preemptive thank you to my supportive family and friends, and whatever stragglers I may pick up along the way, for following my blog.  Constructive feedback on any posts, especially recipes,  is strongly encouraged!
